Thursday, June 12, 2008

Feast of Souls-Celia Friedman

The King's son is dying from an incurable disease known as 'the Wasting'. The king's Magister, Ramirus, knows full well what the Wasting really is and what is it's cause but this knowledge must be kept from the 'Morati'(the non-magisters), and most especially from the King.

In an effort to somehow prevent this knowledge from getting out, Ramirus calls on other Magister's for aid as this is something that could harm all Magisters. Thus begins part 1 of a trilogy.

I quite enjoyed the story. It has all the elements of a good story- a good bad enemy, heroes and heroines, magic, intrigue and battle. Some phrases are a little repetitive but apart from that I look forward to reading the other 2 books.


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