Monday, January 7, 2008

Making the a-list - Tyne O'Connell

Saskia Williams likes to make lists beginning with 'Things I long to experience before turning thirty', through to-'The a-list of people you should know by thirty' and including 'a hit-list';A must for any advocate of the 'new immorality'.

As her thirtieth birthday draws near, Saskia starts to feel ever more desperate about her relationships or lack thereof, the likelihood of not being married and therefore fulfilling all of her mother's expectations and her job prospects.

Out of 10, I'd give this book a 4. It rambles a lot or rather 'Saskia' rambles a lot, so the book doesn't really get started until a third of the way through. Plus, I tire of reading about english women whose big concern is designer clothes, being overweight, drinking too much and being seen with the 'right people'.

If you enjoy Marianne Keyes novels, this book might appeal to you.

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